Equipment Leasing From A Trusted Company

At ELEASE we pride ourselves on doing the right thing for our customers and building positive relationships so that when they need to lease again or someone asks them who their leasing company is, they refer us. We’ve often said that referrals are the highest form of flattery. Sadly not all in our industry have the same level of ethics and customer service. We are very proud of our BBB rating of A+. They have been tracking ELEASE since 2006 and we have no complaints. That can’t be said of some of our competitors who are either not rated or have ratings well below an A. We’ve listed a few red flags to watch for when you are choosing an equipment leasing company in a past blog. Today we’d like to share some things that we do to help ensure that you have the best experience possible with ELEASE as we want to build a relationship based on trust with every one of our clients.

We ask questions and then we listen.

We feel it’s important to listen to your response and get a complete understanding of your needs. We also know that you don’t want to repeat yourself or be asked the same thing in a variety of ways. We know your time is valuable so we do all we can to get the right information from you in the most efficient manner possible. Our team members are trained to listen and ask follow up questions when needed.

We only ask what’s needed.

Some leasing companies have long tedious forms that need to be filled out when they know they won’t be using all the information. They have what we refer to as a “one form fits all” mentality, no matter the type of equipment leasing you are looking to obtain. If we need three references we only ask for three, if we need more, we’ll ask for more.

We follow up.

Speaking of reference, if we ask for references, it’s because we need that information to process your lease application. We have to do our due diligence but we won’t ask for information that we’re not going to use. Same philosophy applies to your or banking information and other vendor information.

We respond in a timely manner.

Whether you’ve submitted a new equipment leasing application or just have a question for one of our team members, we work to get you the answer you need in a timely manner. Sometimes we need to do some research and call you back but no matter the issue, we will call you back. We feel that our team’s training and customer service excellence will help you with your leasing or working capital loan needs. We hope that if you ever have a complaint that you let us know because we really do want you to have the trust in ELEASE that so many other businesses have found and refer us to other business owners that you know. If there is anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 800-499-2577.
Picture of Tom Williams

Tom Williams

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ELEASE provides business equipment leasing, small business funding, start-up leasing, working capital loans and other business finance services to small and medium businesses across the US.

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